
Write a lot of, many or much

  1. there are a lot of blueberries.
  2. there arent A lot of radishes
  3. .there isnt  Much hony.
  1. there arent much mushrooms
  2. theres much jam
  3. there arent many apples


Fill in the gaps a lot of , much or many

  1. there are a lot of birdds in the sky
  2. l havent got a lot of homework today
  3. john hasnt got many cds.
  4. there arent many cars in the street.
  5. there is much sugar in the bowl
  6. are there many apples on the tree?
  7. jane has got many money in her purse.
  8. Is there a lot of breand in the cupboard
  9. are there many children in the park?
  10. we are early. We have many time.



Choose yhe correct item

  1. there aren’t many children in classroom
  2. there isnt  much cheese in my sandwinch.
  3. ive got many books in my bag.
  4. there arent a lot of strewberries in the bowl
  5. how a lot of milk is there in the carton?
  6. are there many thees in the park?
  7. weve got many flowers in our garden.
  8. there isnt a lot of  cola in the bottle

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